We’re coming to Canberra – see ewe next Tuesday, Albo!
With momentum growing for the national agriculture rally to be held in Canberra next Tuesday, co-organisers, Keep the Sheep, are encouraging as many people as possible to attend to give the Government a clear message: support agriculture or face the ramifications at the ballot box.
Coinciding with news that the new Agriculture Minister’s Department advised her that, “the policy is now settled and will not be revisited”, spokesperson Ben Sutherland said that the choice was now clear, and that farmers, agricultural workers, truckies and regional people were now only left with a single choice, to campaign against bad policy at election time.
“This policy is far from settled. If the Government thinks it can dispose of our livelihoods and then declare it all done and dusted, they are very wrong,”
“If the Government prefers to listen to activists or bureaucrats instead of the real people that their policy will hurt, then they will see us and hear us next week,” he said.
“The Minister and Albo are living in fantasy land if they think this is settled.”
Rally organisers said this was just the latest in a series of insults against agriculture. With issues spanning water buybacks, new taxes and the impact of energy infrastructure causing concern for farmers and regional communities.
The national agriculture rally will be held on the lawns at Parliament House on Tuesday 10 September from 11:00 and participants can register online.
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